Penulis: Muhammad Ridhwan Ab. Aziz et al
Harga: RM 28.00
ISBN: 978-967-440-091-0
Terbitan: 2014
Jum. Halaman: 192 m/s
Waqf Financing for Higher Education: Issues, Challenges and the Way Forward provides fundamental understanding on Waqf financing for higher education in order to highlight the current and future challenges to the institution. The book includes a range of topics such as Aplikasi Wakaf Korporat dalam Pembiayaan Pembangunan Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Islam, Waqf Financing for Islamic Higher Education: USIM’s Perspectives, The Receptiveness of Students towards the Establishment of Islamic Waqf Bank, Konsep dan Pembangunan Wakaf di Negeri Sembilan dari Perspektif Majlis Agama Islam Negeri Sembilan, Tinjauan Awal Terhadap Kesediaan Masyarakat Islam Menyumbang Kepada Institusi Bank Wakaf Islam untuk Pembiayaan Pendidikan and Waqf Financing for Higher Education: Hibah Trust as Alternative Options. This book tries to introduce a true picture of Waqf financing in this country and the Muslim world in order to solve many unresolved issues for Muslim ummah such as the misconception of Muslim society towards the aim and operation of this Islamic institution.
Kamal Amran Bin Kamarudin, was born on January 8, 1969. He received his secondary education at boarding school, Sekolah Dato 'Abdul Razak, Negeri Sembilan (SDAR) in 1982 and further his tertiary education in the field of Public Administration at the Universiti Utara Malaysia in 1989. In 1994, he started his career as a Trainee Officer in the department of production control at ALPS Electric (M) Sdn Bhd and has been promoted as a Production Control Officer after 2 years of service. He has vast experiences in the administration of the State Islamic Religious Council of Negeri Sembilan (MAINS) from 1996, where he served as an Administrative Officer for 13 years. In 2008, he had promoted as the manager for Baitulmal MAINS and in 2011, as the Secretary of MAINS. He was awarded the Outstanding Service Medal (PMC) in 2007 and Darjah Pekerti Terpilih (DPT) in 2013.
Azzerol Effendi Bin Abdul Kadir, was born on June 28, 1977. He received his primary education at the National School of Port Dickson in 1984 and continued his education at the secondary level at Sekolah Datuk Hj. Abd Samad, Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan until 1994. In 1999, he continued his studies at the matriculation and bachelor's degree in Universiti Utara Malaysia majoring in Accounting. He started his career as an auditor in 2000 in a private company and then as an account executive. Starting from 2004, he is an Accountant for the State Islamic Religious Council of Negeri Sembilan (MAINS). He is also the Acting Manager of the Perbadanan Wakaf Negeri Sembilan Sdn Bhd (PWNSSB) and has joined the institution since 2013.
- Jenama: Penerbit USIM
- Kod Produk: 978-967-440-091-0
- Kewujudan: Out Of Stock